the outdoorsman
The outdoorsman
The outdoorsman has two sides: adventure and logistics.
In some ways, I like to see the outdoorsman as the hunter's crazy cousin.
It's my excuse for having fun and for enjoying big and small adventures.
It's my excuse for turning time back to "Christian 10 years".
A time when stepping around the old apple tree was like stepping into the jungle. When lighting a fire was pure magic. And when my most treasured possession was a survival knife with a hollow grip and a small survival capsule.
It's also about the little more thoughtful perspective on nature.
Enjoying the stars at night, the smell of pine damp pine forest or the sound of rain on my cookware as I sit in my tent.
It's when you learn that being a little cold or a little wet or a bit tired, makes food taste a little better. Well, a lot better.
But, it's also about taking pride in the skills and knowledge that allow you to travel into the wilderness, sustain you and get you back home safely again.